They say life begins at fifty.
First, who are "they" and what have they been doing up 'til now?
Yep, it happened, just as planned . . . the big five-OH!And when I went to sleep a few nights ago, I awoke in the morning to findthat I had not at the stroke of midnight, turned into a pumpkin!In fact, I feel no different then I did the day before.
"Age is an issue of mind over matter.If you don't mind it doesn't matter."-Mark Twain

Nothing has changed except the number.
I still love pink....And watching the sunrise...And my favorite coffee is still Texas Pecan with french vanilla creamer.
But, I do wonder why we don't craft more of an appreciation for the process of getting older, becauseI think the very resistance of it just may be the thing that ages us. I mean with age comes experience and with experience comes wisdom, something we certainly gain more of, and unlike when we were younger weactually now know what we're talking about. And as I've gotten older I have realized there are certain opportunities for exploration and self-discovery that only comes later in life.
And how does it feel to be 50?Like thirty with twenty extra years of wisdom, understanding, spirituality and an ever growing comprehension of how big this life really is. Okay, definitely minus the size 5, but with a new sense of what sexy is, and isn't. I find myself wanting to move in the world with a greater sense of urgency as time whispers louder, and I'm having fun re-inventing myself with along the way.
No, nothing has changed except the number. Age doesn't own me or define me. It doesn't tell me whether or not I can have pink highlights or wear feathers in my hair, it only marks how long I've been here.
I am 50, I don't mind, so it doesn't matter!!
Have a fabulous day!Love, KimXO
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