Measuring out this Monday a full portion of gratitude and celebrating these end-of-summer snapshots of grace, sweet grace. What are you thankful for today?
1. Gone now (but treasured even more in my heart!) are lazy summer days, the girls with their busy little heads bowed over their sand Kuchen (cakes) while I sat with a book in the shade.2. My neighbor's roses boasting an almost unreal shade of pink. The garden is one story down and I can enjoy it from my kitchen and bedroom windows--a treat I did not expect when I was thinking about what it would be like to live in an apartment in the city.3. Catching jellyfish two weeks ago in the Ostsee (East Sea, or Baltic Ocean). Don't worry--these weren't stinging jellyfish, of course!4. The sky opened up on us during a long walk through the Norderstedt Stadtpark (my town's city park). My funny little girls continued their leisurely pace, not bothered that we were getting soaked! They even stopped to smell the roses! 5. An unexpected, double nap-time on the couch.6. Pink neighborhood graffiti. The neighborhood youth outreach center has three HUGE slabs of hardwood mounted on posts, just for the kids to express themselves in spray paint. Love when the thick layers of paint start to crack and crumble.7. Sweet peaches-and-cream dreams.8. More pink graffiti from my neighborhood--unsanctioned this time, but I find it beautiful.9. THE favorite activity of Summer, 2012: collecting snails from the post-afternoon rain-shower puddles. Mama could get on board with the hours of entertainment the snails provided the girls, but NOT with the crunching-squishing surprise of accidentally stepping on one--barefoot--in the apartment. We got into the habit of counting the ones we had collected before coming inside, and then doing our best to keep track of them. By the end of the summer, as soon as Eowyn and Penelope were distracted by something else, I would sneak away with the surviving snails and set them free.
Wishing you, too, a "good measure" of joy on this Monday--"pressed down, shaken together and running over"...enough to "pour" into the "lap" of your entire week! (Luke 6:38)

Linking with Multitudes on Mondays
***All photos in this post were captured with the camera on my Android smartphone, processed with Instagram filters and then dropped into the grid format using the mosaic maker at Big Huge Labs. Easy peasy!
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