I had something entirely different for today,
sometimes ya just gotta change your mind.
I went outside, to what I call my coffee cave,

to watch the sun rise over the neighbor's house, as I do most mornings.

I was also hoping to finally capture a photo of the hummingbirds that are coming dailyto the wild morning glory, but they aren't so sure about me yet . . . they come and drink a bit, look up and remember I'm there. In between they like to sit on this branch . . .

After a while, I decided to add some water to my bird bath . . .

When I spied a spicebush butterfly and went in to go get my big girl camera and thankfullyhe was still there . . .

This is the wild morning glory that has taken over my bushes, but I don't have to heart to take it out yet,as the wildlife is flocking and I'm loving it. I followed the butterfly . . .

to the other side of my front porch, where I spied a green anole lizard licking the moisture from the leaves.(the lizard photos are all taken with my camera phone)

I changed the setting to close-up and zoomed in . . . and as I was snapping,he was getting closer and closer . . . which is unusual and at first I thought maybe he spied a bug.No bug, but he was really getting close!

Something seemed to catch his eye . . .

At this point I'm kinda laughing to myself, because I can't quite figure it out . . .

Oh, but curious he was and at this point he is just a mere inch or two from my phone . .

And this would be when he started to lick the camera lens, and I'm just dying here, haha . . .

But what happened next I had no way of capturing . . . he climbed on top of my phone! But when I tried to get him on my finger he jumped off. Not soon after that he climbed back onto my hand and continued to check the phone out, licking it some more. He jumped back off and after a little while he began to bite at the phone? It was really quite comical and of course I was in heaven!

He finally went along his way when he figured he wasn't getting a piece of my phone. The butterfly came back, and so did the hummer . . . although my camera (big girl) couldn't focus fast enough and as soon as heheard the camera clicks he was gone.

"In all things nature, there is something of the marvelous" - Aristotle
My day is now complete . . . sigh!!
Happy Tuesday,Love, Kim
Sharing with Communal Global and . . .
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