20 Eylül 2012 Perşembe

A little stroll . . .

"There is an art to wandering. If I have a destination, a plan - an objective - I've lost the ability to find serendipity. I've become too focused, too-single-minded. I am on a quest, not a ramble.I search for the Holy Grail of particularity,and miss the chalice freely offered, filled full to overflowing.
- Cathy Johnson, On Becoming Lost
Oh how I love this quote! You know wandering IS one of my favorite things to do, but sometimes
time doesn't allow (or my budget) to wander to some of the places I would really love to visit.
But that's okay, because if I could never go to another place, I would, be quite content to just wander
the 8 acres of my favorite place, Maas Nursery. It sits just along Galveston Bay and borders the
coastal birding trail I like to visit, a two for one!

It's where I went last weekend in a quest to quiet my mind from the busy week. And it seems fall is
just as busy a time as spring for all the bees, who were in abundance gathering their stores for the
cooler weather . . . if we ever get any.

This bee took off right as I was snapping the picture, but there is something about the perspective of this
that I really liked.

There were tables upon tables of beautiful pink Dianthus....

And morning glory vines blooming. And then I heard it,  this little sound,that is very distiguishable and matches its sweet owner . . .
{Flower art Friday}
 . . .  and then I saw it - he flew down from the tall Oak trees to perch on this wire above the table
that held the Flame Acanthus.

And then down for a little treat, but I'm not sure who it was sweeter for, him or me!

Okay, I think it was me . . .

No, I'm sure it was me!! You know, these little gems are soooo fast, and it was almost dusk and the lightwas fading, so I had to really bump my ISO just to get a half-way decent speed.
{Photograph life}
And this week at Pixel Dust, Bonnie asked us to use the prompt to compose a seven word sentence that describes your life or experience or process as an artist (be it photographer, painter, mixed media artist, digital artists, whatever...) and marry your sentence to a piece of photo art that somehow illustrates your sententce. 
And this is what I came up with . . . finding Bonnie's blog, and her link up of photo art opened up my worldto a whole new meaning of creating and she generously shares free textures for us to use in our creations. As usual I waited til that last minute to create this, and not sure I'm completely happy with it. But Bonnie just know you have been instrumental in opening up a new world for me, and I thank you!  

 Wishing you all a weekend full of wonderous serendipity!!
Love, KimXO

Sharing with, Photo Art Friday, Flower Art Friday, Photograph Life, Finding Serendipity

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