14 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Let the crazy begin...

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We made it through the first day of school . . .

{ KKlassen texture Peony and sunkissed)
And if you have ever had to fill out the stack of paperwork, you know just what I mean.Somehow when they get to high school, the stack gets sooo big, and I have to sign my namesooo many times, that it feels a bit like closing on a mortgage. Only minus the house and with some more lists of supplies needed and checks written for yet more fees.
The morning started off well, they were out and on their way on time (that may never happen again)and it was 6:30 A.M. and by 7 A.M. I had a load of laundry completed, the dog fed, and my navy bean soup started. I'm pretty sure THAT was probably a one time deal too. Oh, and I can't forget the quality time with the toad on the front porch that comes to greet me in the morning.
And then . . . cue dramatic music . . . my friend who moved last year called me to meet her for coffee.Yep, she is back for an entire month. So I turned off the bean soup, threw on some clothes and some lipstick, and pinned up my dirty hair and off I went. And isn't that what's so nice about a good friend, when they don't care that you look like a hot mess early in the morning [ smile ].
We met at our usual Starbucks spot, and although I had already had some coffee at home, I decided I would have another. Now, if you love their Salted Caramel Mocha as much as I do and was disappointed when they were no longer making it, then let me tell you . . .  it's back!! Yep, with all it's whipped cream, drizzly caramel, salted goodness (with a spoon of course), to the very last drop . . . back! We had a great time catching up, and laughing, and even had some great conversation with some strangers next to us.
After she left, I stayed and tried to finish writing something I've only been working on for the last few months, or really I guess it's been since before school ended last spring. I've just needed to get the words right, and oh I do hope when I get if finished you'll read it. Because it is really long.....almost............but not quite a novel. More like a short story, but a real one. It's getting there, but I was having a hard time concentrating on it, as one of my ears couldn't help but want to listen to the woman next to me talk about her trip to Hawaii . . . sigh.
Okay, I think I've rambled on long enough and if I'm going to go to the beach today, I really need to get going. These first couple of weeks of school always make me feel a little scattered - is that bad that I already feel that way after the first day? lol  I'm so much more of a free spirit as I've gotten older and always need some time to readjust to a new schedule, with schedule being the key word. 
Happy Tuesday to you -Love, KimXO

P.S. - I'll be visiting you when I get back later.
Live, Love, Travel kimklassencafe Sweet Shot Tuesday with Kent Weakley

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