Two years. Whew, there were times when I didn't think we (*I*) would make it this long! Feels like it's been much, much longer! An international re-location is not easy (at least, it wasn't for us). Sometimes it feels like it's been a lifetime. And then of course, when I look at my girls and how much they've grown, it seems as if it's been the twinkling of an eye.
Two years. Finally enough time to have settled in and really begin to feel like this is "home." Oh, and I am so grateful. Can you see it in these photos? My dear, talented friend Esther captured these beautiful shots when they were visiting in May. I hadn't intended to wait so long to share them, but today it hit me that perhaps I was supposed to wait until today, becasue there is a spirit about these photos that is perfect for celebrating the milestone of two years on this German adventure.
Two years. Yes, it's certainly taken that long, but in these scenes I finally can see such a sense of peace and joy, a confidence in our family bond and the knowledge that as long as we cling to each other and to the One who holds us together, there will always be love and home--no matter where we live.
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