The prompt this week over at Bonnie's Photo Art Friday is lines . . . obvious lines.
And I started thinking about lines . . . the obvious lines we draw in the sand so to speak,and the ones we draw with artistic expression, and with love.
The first one has to do with boundaries, which ironically don't necessarily just keep others out. Sometimes those lines we draw, restrict ourselves, like blinders. You know, like the ones they put on mules, and horses to keep out the rest of the world. But that can make for a very lonely place to be.Or those lines were put there for exclusivity to purposely leave others out.

There are lines we will cross out of necessity and sometimes we cross them from kindnessto cruelty. Of course there are always those lines that we try to balance like a beam in the night out of indecisiveness due to fear, even vulnerability.

There are even those we cross knowing full well it may be wrong, but would rather go with the majority than
to stand up for what is right. We may even make the bad choice of crossing anyway knowing there may be danger on the other side, lured by self gratification.

And then, this week on a foggy morning walk, I came across literally hundreds of spider webs all filled with dew (and no I didn't need my spray bottle, ha). All of these lines, silk lines, carefully and masterfully spun.
Did you know that a spider has different silk that he puts in his web? One is sticky to catch his prey and the other is not and is carefully woven in so that he can walk in his own web without getting tangled in it himself.

Nature is such a miraculous thing, and I know I say this a lot, but it has so much to teach us. I find it hard to believe that we weren't wired with the same instincts as a spider knowing what line he can walk or cross.For a spider, it's all about survival. Walk on or cross the wrong line and . . . .it's over. For humanity, I'm not sure it's any different. The difference is we don't weave a web for just ourselves. We weave a world web and what we do to that web affects us all. When some of the lines of the web are broken or someone elsegets caught, we do have the ability to throw them another one . . . but sometimes we look the other way?In the long run, that affects the lines we all have to walk. . .
My thoughts have run very deep in the last few months especially as I have seen so much division in our country. And the lines that have bothered me the most are the firing lines. The ones we line others up on, aim at and shoot with hurtful words. Bullets pierce the flesh - words pierce the soul. And one is more easily healed than the other.
My wish for us all, is to see these lines drawn not so that they continue to divide or exclude, but to meet somewhere, anywhere . . . just so they meet.

And that second line, that one comes from artistic expression . . . and that one is freeing.. It frees us fromourselves to ourselves and ultimately to others. It allows us to express the deepest parts of who we are andcan inspire others to do the same. My hope is that the lines we continue to draw will be ones that lead us to peace and love. Because a web that is built together is a stronger one.That may be a tall order, but hey, one can dream can't she?!!
Much love, KimXO
Sharing with Photo Art Friday, Finding Serendipity, Foto Friday, This and That Thursday
Little Things Thursdays, Thursday Favorite Things, Favorite Photo Friday, Fabluous Friday
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