"As each day comes to us refreshed and anew,so does my gratitude renew itself daily.The breaking of the sun over the horizonis my grateful heart dawning upon a blessed world."
- Terri Guillemets
Yes, I had something else planned, no I didn't get it finished. I sat at my computer last night trying to edit my pictures and I kept falling asleep, so I went to bed, thinking I would get it done in the morning. Well, it was a rather sleepless night (again), and you know those hot flashes can keep one from sleeping very well, and then the amber alert went off on my weather radio, and then another hour later the dog woke me up with a ferocious barking session at 4:30 in the morning. So, I got up to check it out, and that's when I noticed that the fog that was so thick I couldn't see my sidewalk from my front door. And although I hadn't planned on it, I knew I should set my alarm to go watch the sunrise...in only another hour. I almost missed it, slept through two snoozes, left with my camera but forgot my camera bag and had to turn around and go back to get it. And....I was on empty, but no time for gas or I would just miss the whole thing...I had 55 miles left, more than plenty to at least get me there! ; )
It is a good thing too, that I went back for my bag, as my battery died on me half way through the sunrise. And after coffee with a friend, I went home to upload and edit my photos and as I was starting to prepare this post my son tried to refresh the router on my desk and well, you guessed it, he did something that left us all with no internet service for the rest of the day until my husband was able to walk him through getting us back online via a phone call. I seriously thought I would just scrap the whole thing, but....after all of that, my not so quite unfortunate mini-series of events, I thought yep, yep I sorta went to a lot of trouble to get these and well, it was a gorgeous sunrise and not one to keep to myself. So without further delay, I present to you my morning sunrise as it unfolded before me..... (yesterday)
6:43 A.M. (Arrival time 6:39)

6:49 A.M - the actual time of the sunrise, and right on time it was ; )

6:55 A.M

6:56 A.M.

6:57 A.M.

7:08 A.M.

7:10 A.M.


7:23 A.M.

7:41 A.M.

8:21 A.M.I walked briefly on the boardwalk after the sunrise and in the distance, I noticed it right way, I recognized his boat . . . it's the man I watched fish (you can read about it here).

Of course I don't need a sleepless night to lead me to the sunrise, and I think my car could drive itself there at this point and by the time I did get there the fog had lifted by the water. You can see how drastically it changed from beginning to end as the clouds rolled over, and as I do every time I watch the sun rise over the horizon I feel so thankful to live close enough to get in my car, early, to be witness to another day...just not something I am willing to take for granted. My happiness doubled too as I saw the man in the boat, hoping he might look back and recognize me too. Life has a way of nudging us to go do something, I'm glad I listened . . .
Wishing you all the most blessed Thanksgiving, filled with much gratitude and love!!
"Gratitude bestows reverance, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, thosetranscendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world." - John Milton
Love, KimXO
sharing with Texture Tuesday, Photo Art Friday
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