"And yet day and night meet fleetingly at twilight and dawn," he said, lowering his voice and again narrowing his eyes and moving his heada quarter inch closer to hers."And their merging sometimes affords thebeholder the most enchanted moments of all the twenty four hours. Asunrise can be ablaze with brilliance and arouse all the passion, all theyearning, in the soul of the beholder."
- Mary Balogh, A Summer to Remember
I concur with the most enchanted moments of all the twenty four hours.And,I suppose that it's also the mystery of that meeting that continues to draw be back, again, and again!





All on the same day. . . the fog starts to roll in on 6:33 and by the last photo it was getting closer and closer.You can't blink, you'll miss it!
Love, KimXO
Sharing with Texture Tuesday, Communal Global, Sweet shot Tuesday
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