"One of the most satisfying experiences I know is just to fully appreciatean individual in the same way I appreciate a sunset....I don't find myselfsaying, "Soften the orange a little more on the right hand corner, and put abit more purple along the base, and use a little more pink in the cloud color," . . . I don't try to control the sunset. I watch it in awe as it unfolds."
- Carl R Rogers

It would be freeing wouldn't it, to just accept and be accepted for who we are.
To love and be loved unconditionally simply for no other reason than because we are human.
I mean, isn't that what we all strive for in this life anyway, above all else, to be loved?
And to belong? To not have to compromise our beliefs just to fit in?
I think when we allow for a mutual exchange of our experiences and knowledge and of how we
all see things, it will teach us respect, understanding and empathy towards each other.
It is, in these things that I believe we will find unity in our humanity, and love for our neighbor.
Because there is no hope for humanity without tolerance, no hope of love without first loving.
The intolerance I see growing simply breeds hate, hate destroys hope and without hope we become a world
full of despair and filled with fear. And fear is crippling. Maybe more like paralyzing . . . going
neither forward nor backward.
And hasn't history shown us over and over again that action needs to accompany wisdom,
because without it, it serves no purpose at all. It serves no one, not even ourselves.
To be loved, accepted and appreciated, we first need to find a way to love, accept and appreciate those
around us where they are, and for who they are. Not for who we want them to be.
Every sunrise is different and unique and no two are ever the same. We don't expect them to be the same.
In fact it would be inconceivable to think we could change a sunrise. And why would we want to?
Yet we have all at one time, probably thought we could change someone else, maybe even the way they
think. And who are we to think we should? I have seen a lot of sunrises and I admit there have been times
when I was disappointed because it wasn't what I thought it would be, or should be, or what I had hoped.
Because of my unrealistic expectations, I blinded myself to what was before me. And I asked myself that
scary question, "How many times have I done that with others?"
Over the last 4 years I have had the opportunity to develop a bond with nature in a way that has taught me
many things. Nature's biggest secret . . . is her patience. She has a rhythm, nothing is rushed, and everything
has a purpose. So do we. So do the people that cross our paths, it is simply not our job to change them.
My wish is that we could learn to embrace and accept our differentness. And when we get past the
expectations, then we will begin to see and appreciate the incredible things about those around us unfold in
awe as well.
Because perhaps, just maybe, we are all different because we were not meant to be the same!
Love, Kim
Sharing with Texture Tuesday, Sweet Shot Tuesday, Communal Global
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