I recently had the JOY of partnering with several other artists and creating some prints/cards for the Joyful Life Library Shop.
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We're acommunity of artists joining together to spread comfort and joy through theJoyful Life Library, a project that aims to create libraries in children'shospitals across the country. 100% of the profits from The Joyful Shop are usedto purchase books for current Joyful Life Library locations.
The JoyfulLife Library Project was created in 2009 as a way to supply books to children'shospitals across the country. By making favorite children's books available tocritically ill children and their families, we're creating a way to bringnormality to families that need it the most. Help us spread a little joythrough the project.
Please be sure to visit the shop! I am sure you will find something you will adore.
To meetHeather, the amazing mama behind this special project, go HERE.
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The other talented artists in the Joyful Life Library shop areHeather, the Joyful Life Library founder. Visit her SHOPLaura of Consider Lillies. Visit her SHOPKaty of Katygirl Designs. Visit her SHOPChrissie Grace from In His Grace. Visit her SHOPCarly of Little Light Prints. Visit her SHOPMolly of Tank and Tink Designs. Visit her SITEDanielle Burkleo of Take Heart Designs. Visit her SITE
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