"To us, the difference between the photographer as an individual eyeand the photographer as an objective recorder seems fundamental,the difference often regarded, mistakenly, as separating photographyas art from photography as document. But both are logical extensionsof what photography means; note-taking on, potentially, everything inthe world, from every possible angle." - Susan Sontag
I think that just about sums it up for me . . . I'm definitely a note-taker with my camera,on everything I see, AND from every angle possible! (angles that make the people around me go, hmmmm) Just ask my camera . . . over 80,000 clicks in the last year, yikes!! And it contains the only card I know of that one can max out, costing nothing but time.
And speaking of time, I took my father-in-law who has been visiting on a little tour of some of my favorite spots, the butterfly garden and along the birding trail...it was a good day, but it's a good thing to remember that when in nature, sometimes curiosity can kill the cat.We may not get the typical fall colors here, but when the temps cool off into the 80's nature gets happy again! Honestly, I have no idea what kind of plant/bush this is, but it's PINK and it was gorgeous.

Of course there was a visit from another one of my green friends, who was trying to figure outjust HOW to jump that far back to the plant he was on.

And the dragonflies were out in full force . . . this one reminds me of a giraffe with his markings.

But in between the dragonflies we saw, I spied this butterfly resting . . .

But then I saw some movement, thought I saw a dark colored lizard tail . . . I moved in further to investigate to find this staring back at me. He just stared and I tried to get closer, but couldn't, then I lost him.....

. . . and more dragonflies

And ones that had wings that shimmered like gold!

One with dots, and what looks to me like a shade of red lipstick!

And oh yes, one made specially for me, in pink, holy cow!!

We eventually made our way to the bay and started the trail back to the car when something caught my eye on the side of the trail . . . I looked down and said to my father-in law, it's dead right?! haha Well, as I looked through my camera, to get a picture, I realized not only was it NOT dead, but he was in a threatening stance, and I was standing about two feet from it . . . but unlike the one I saw earlier, I knew this one was a cotton mouth, aka a water moccasin . . . poisonous!! One dead (sorry) giveaway that it is a cotton mouth rather than just a water snake is the stripe along the side of this head, well that and his wide body and boxy head. They are known to stand their ground, but we didn't panic, moved slowly and he turned and went the other way.

And not to leave you with a snake embedded in your memory for the rest of the day, this is my submission to Photo Art Friday. The theme this week is figures. I thought about a statue from the archives but I took this one on our walk, a shadow of the two of us enjoying an afternoon watching the dragonflies, and the birds, and avoiding snakes! I thought it was interesting that in our shadows is the reflection of the leaves on the trees above us. I used Bonnie's Irish moss, and gold dust textures.

"We do not remember days; we remember moments."
- Cesare Pavese
Have a great weekend, recording as you go!Love, KimXO
Sharing with, Photo Art Friday, Flower art Friday, Finding Serendipity, Foto Friday,Fabulous Friday, This and That Thursday
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