It's been one of those incredible summers and I can't believe it's already August and it's almost over. I think week to week and day to day I have been up and down the East Coast from PA to Boston and now I'm at the Jersey Shore. And as much as I love and can't wait for fall (I've already started fall shopping ... guiltily...) I'm currently sitting at my laptop on the upper deck of a beach house and so happy it's summer and I'm a freelancer and can work from anywhere. I've been working on incredible projects lately. They range from blog and facebook headers, to a Vegas themed wedding invitation, to fashion illustrated logos. I'm also working on my photography skills and updating my etsy store. And I'm working with a wonderful friend of mine on a great new project that I can't wait to tell you more about in the future! It's been an amazing ride. And I feel so blessed. So back to summer... and a day in the sun... and continuing the progress of these awesome projects.
Have a wonderful day sweets!
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