I had to ask friends and supporters to please give credit to my work if they see it posted anywhere without credit to me or my shop. Somehow someone took one of my images or took a picture of one of my prints and put it out there on the interwebs and it has been circulating with no credit, no name, no link. I had to step up and ask people to help me.

I drew that. I sat in my bed one night and drew that. I colored it with my hands. I turned it into an art print on my computer. I chose the perfect colors for each little design.
I created to inspire, to encourage, to celebrate.
This drawing was made to hang in a little girl's bedroom. It was made to be a reminder to her as she grows that she can do anything. Her mama sent me a message telling me she now takes quotes and phrases and makes artwork around them.
That is what inspiration looks like.
I had a customer email me after she received the print she ordered. She thanked me for the print and told me it was for her daughter who is in Recovery. Tears streamed down my face. Before I had children and discovered my ability to draw I worked in Recovery with women suffering with alcoholism and addiction. To know something I created could be a reminder for someone in that situation was an honor.
That is what encouragement looks like.
Yesterday, among the sadness I was feeling because of my work going around unaccredited I received a message with an order. It said the print was for a woman who had worked for five years to raise money to open a non-profit organization to help others. More tears, happy ones though.
That is what celebration looks like.
Those three stories, they are why this matters.

I didn't write the words Kobi Yamada wrote. I simply took the words and found a way to express them through my art. So truly, the image circulating, being pinned and posted and tumbled and whatever is serving it's purpose. But at the same time, it is a part of me. Something I made and any author, musician, writer, blogger, photographer, chef, designer, architect, artist, ANY creator should be credited.
When we pour our talents and our passion into something it should be credited. For me I know where my gifts come from. I know they can be taken away. I give my credit to my Maker.
I share all this to ask for help.
If you see my work and it's not linked back to my shop or blog please post where it can be found. Don't be rude or mean. Most likely the person who posted it has no clue. They just saw it and reposted it, but help educate them. Let them know it's art someone created and where to find it.
If you use Pinterest or Facebook or Tumblr please be careful what you pin/post. There are people behind those images. People who worked hard to create something. Their work should not be altered or shared without credit. If you find something that has no source DO RESEARCH. It takes a few minutes to google something to try to find where an image came from. If you can't find the source, well, let it be. Maybe you don't need that pin or post on your page.
And if you are an artist, shop owner, photographer please, please, please, please, please PROTECT your work. I thought I did, but obviously not enough. You worked hard and it shouldn't be taken from you.

Lastly, thank you to everyone who helps support what I do.
I am just a girl who draws.
A girl who never really thought about her cans and her plans. Seriously.
And now, what is crazy is I am literally seeing my "can'ts turned into cans and my dreams turned into plans."
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