I never did get around to sharing my word last year...it was explore.The year before...was discovery.
That year of discovery, of self, is what propelled me into exploring.No I didn't go on any safari, or around the world trip, or climb Mt. Everest.But I explored....I simply explored what was around me, what came before me, thethings that interested me. I wanted to be fearless in my exploring or at least attemptthe fearlessness of it. To not be afraid to do that which expressed the passion in my heartwhether it was photography, or not.
I wanted to be fearless not because of the destination in the exploring, but simply because of the journey.
I'm not sure how fearless I was, and I'm not sure I'm ready to let go of that word just yet.But I did wade through 20 feet of seaweed to find a frog fish among who knows what else, and cameface to face (well almost) to a water moccasin, and stared down a stingray two feet in front of me.
I have pictures of all three.
This all leads me to my word this year....
I already had a good idea of what my word for this year would be, and I knew for sureafter we took my son to a camp last week.
We left the day after Christmas, bright and early, for Brownswood Texas in route for a pole vault camp.This vole vaulting idea, which he has never done before, came into play when my husband found out thatthe school record is only 9 feet. And after some discussion and encouragement, my son decided he would like to give it a try.
We arrived at the camp, and after a short video and introduction we followed my son to the gymas he walked holding a pole in his hand for the very first time.

Run...plant...takeoff. We all listened as the coach talked about these three important parts to a successful jump and well, they probably apply to most things in life. In this gym, Coach Don Hood, said these things..."How do you become great? You work your tail off and pay attention. The most important part is the beginning, because if the beginning is wrong then the end can't be right. You can't be aggressive unless you are confident and you can't be confident unless you have done it 1000 times. Greatness comes at a high price. If you want to be great at something, it means you can't do everything."
He would know, he is now 80 and has coached world and Olympic champions.

Start, curl, press . . . and toe, flat, jump was drilled over and over, a thousand times. I had no idea that this was such a very precise event. I don't think he did either. In fact I learned the pole vault is the most technical of all athletic events and the biggest obstacle is your mind as it goes against everything that is natural.

Running in a full on sprint, with a very long pole (a controlled run while holding a pole I might add),

As the first day progressed (over 10 hours), I wasn't seeing joy in his face. I could see his heart wasn't wholeheartedly into it. It was hard, it was technical, and there were no instantaneous results. They wouldn't even jump over a bar until the end of the next day.
We have taught our kids to stick with what they start, but as a parent it was hard to see him just go through the motions if he wasn't loving it. I wanted him to do it for himself, to want it for himself. If we had decided not to go back, we certainly wouldn't have been the first as they said a lot of them don't come back the next day. But we did go back, and I told my son that after that second day if it really wasn't his thing it was okay if he didn't want to continue it, at least he would've tried. But I did ask him a favor. I asked him since we were already there to make it the most important thing that day. To just see what would happen.

We took a lunch break. He was tired, his hands hurt and there was still some discussion about leaving early, but they still had not done the actual pole vaulting, the thing they were working so hard for. So back for more drills, and some more motivational coaching, and then it was time to put those new skills to the test. My son was unsure about clearing the pole, I was confident he would.
They set it up as a contest and there were about 8 or 9 of them, with my son being the only first time jumper.They set the bar to 6 ft, and he cleared it with room to spare. It got progressively higher until they reached 8 ft. (photo below).

And do you see what I see, a smile, joy in his face as he cleared the 8 ft mark!!
(and he won the contest!)

The joy wasn't only in his face, but in my heart. Watching him try something new, something hard. It wouldn't have mattered to me if he didn't clear the pole, what mattered is that he didn't give up. What mattered is that he learned something. And I can say that after almost 20 hours in two days that I learned some things in the process too. Yes greatness comes at a high price and that's not only true of athletes, but in life in general. And as the coach reminded us all, if greatness was that easy we would all be great.

I'm proud of my son for sticking with it even though he wasn't sure he enjoyed it. Sometimes when
we are learning hard things they aren't enjoyable. Watching my son reminded me that you don't know what you can do until you try and that you don't always see the results of your hard work right away. That it's sometimes not until that last hour, that last stretch when we see the fruits of our hard work, a glimpse of our own greatness and of our possibilities.
This year I don't just want to know about the possibilities, I want to believe them possible.
"What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely
a function of our true capacity. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are."
- Anthony Robbins
Thank you for sticking to the end here,
Love, Kim
Sharing with Photo Art Friday, Friday Photo Journal, One Word Blog Hop
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