Old man Winter....is not really my favorite time of year.I long for the sun,for longer days,and for walks on the beach, the sand in my toes,for green things popping out of the ground,for flowers,and bees,and for my beloved encounters with the lizards.
I miss all of it......this bird looks like he misses it too.
But he also looks a bit secluded, sheltered but not completely from view.I wonder if there is enough room for me, right next to him.I could use a quiet place to rest, to think, to just be.Because even though I've been quite here lately, it's been because this past monthhas been busy with all the holidays. And I can't quite manage too much busyness at one timelike I used to. I wish I could say that it was because I had secluded myself on a branchsomewhere, because right now, I could use a quiet place to nourish my soul.
Anyone else need to join me on the branch?
Thank you again Kat, for this wonderful monthly practice, and for all who share.
I have truly learned wonderful things from all of you through this connection.
P.S. - I am honored to have been chosen to share what the photo-heart connection hasmeant to me this last year, here, over at the Kat Eye Studio.
Love, KimXO
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