18 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi

Little Light Prints { I Heart Art }

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Today I would like for y'all to meet Carly from Little Light Prints. The first time I came across Carly's work it was from this print she created, and I fell in love. Carly and I have connected through email and social media and we found out we not only share art in common but both our little boys have heart defects. It's good to be able to connect with another mama with things like this.
I hope you will enjoy meeting Carly and take advantage of the coupon code she is offering - Use TAKE25 for 25% off your order in her Etsy Shop!

Ampersand by Little Light Prints (I just bought this one!)
1. When did youfirst begin creating art?In 2010, Iwas a new mom and felt like a needed a hobby. It's safe to say, out ofdesperation of needing something that was my own, Little Light Prints wasstarted. When I first opened the shop, I was purchasing other people's digitalart to use in my designs. It wasn't until early 2011 that I became comfortablewith the program I was using and started to create designs that were completelymy own.

Fearfully & Wonderfully by Little Light Prints
2. What is yourfavorite/most sentimental creation you have made? Why?My favoritedesign is a very simple one but one I'm very attached to and that is theProverbs 31:25, which I call the Daisy Print.
Proverbs 31.25 by Little Light Prints
Daisy LoveMerrick (www.prayfordaisy.com) is an 8 year old beauty who is battling cancerfor the 3rd time in 3 years. Her and her family are very dear to our churchbody. The print was created as my way of contributing to the massive $500,000her family needed to raise in order to receive experimental treatment in Israel(a goal that has been met & profits are no longer going to her trust). Tome, Daisy is the face of that verse. I feel like it was written thousands ofyears ago with her in mind and I get teary every time I see it.
Immeasurably More by Little Light Prints
3. Is therea project you've always dreamed of creating?What wouldit be?There are somany projects I'd love to do and I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm terrified ofventuring out and expanding my product line. I really just want to see mydesigns in people's homes. It makes all the time I spend on this shop totallyworth it.
You're My Sweetheart by Little Light Prints
You can connect with Carly through her:
BLOG: http://www.masonsroost.comETSY SHOP: http://www.etsy.com/shop/LittleLightPrintsSOCIETY6 SHOP: http://society6.com/LittleLightPrintsTWITTER: https://twitter.com/masonsroostINSTAGRAM: @carlyragragola
Thank you Carly for taking time to share! Don't forget Carly is offering 25% off your order with the code TAKE25 through her Etsy Shop. Go find some new art for your walls!

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