21 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

Picturebook Life { I Heart Art }

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Today I'd like to introduce y'all to Sadee Schilling of Picturebook Life. I hope you will enjoy meeting Sadee and take advantage of the coupon code she is offering - Use PenandPaint for free shipping on your order!

Pink Beach House  .  Patchwork Sunshine  .  Dance in the Rain

1. When didyou first begin creating art?I was alwaysdrawing and painting as a kid--I couldn't get enough of it! Both of mydaughters are already prolific artists (at ages three and four!) and it makesme smile to see myself in them. I like to think that I must have been doing thevery same things when I was their age--waking up early in the morning and evensometimes late at night with the urge to draw or cut and glue things together.
I continueddrawing throughout school and started painting a little in college as an artmajor. But it was at that point that I began to feel my childlike creativityfading--it felt like I was supposed to be "growing up" and learning a"practical" career. I ended up with English and Education degrees(although I'm still happy about that--literature is an important part of mystory). But I kind of forgot about art for a while.
I starteddabbling in paint again after grad school to ease the stress of teaching. A fewyears later, we found out that my first daughter was on the way and it was likethe child in my belly awoke the child in my heart--my creativity skyrocketed! Iwas suddenly focused on my work, improving in my skill and making a newpainting every week. Of course, my productivity slowed once my daughter wasborn and her sister followed just a year later, but my passion and excitementfor art has only grown in the years since.

Ocean Waves & Rain Clouds by Sadee Schilling

2. What isyour favorite/most sentimental creation you have made? Why? I like tosay that my daughters taught me the art of "loving a thing topieces." It's ok for some of the things that are precious and sacred inlife to be well-worn and even falling apart--rather than preserved, sittinghigh on a shelf. This idea has transformed my art and I love what I do morethan ever! There are seasons in life that require quiet delicacy and carefulprecision, and there are seasons in life that invite us to jump in the puddlesand dig deep in the dirt. I combine patchwork collage with delicate watercolorand line drawings, exploring this balance between messy and sweet. As myartwork is born within the challenges of life, it teaches me that sometimesit's the messy times that actually turn out to be the sweetest times too. 

My "Denim and Dirt" winged heart is my favorite representation of these ideas.
Denim and Dirt by Sadee Schilling

A Mother's Heart Cup by Sadee Schilling
3. Is therea project you've always dreamed of creating?What wouldit be? Ever since Iwas little I wanted to write and illustrate a children's book. And I'mbeginning to think that I may actually do it! :)

Amazing Grace Bluebird by Sadee Schilling

You can connect with Sadee through her:
BLOG: http://www.apicturebooklife.blogspot.comSHOP: http://www.etsy.com/shop/PicturebookLifeFACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sadee-Schilling-Art-and-Illustration/140963922589707?ref=hl
Thank you Sadee for taking time to share! Don't forget she is offering FREE shipping with your order - use the code PenandPaint through her Shop. Go find some new art for your walls!

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