Today I'd like to introduce y'all to Sadee Schilling of Picturebook Life. I hope you will enjoy meeting Sadee and take advantage of the coupon code she is offering - Use PenandPaint for free shipping on your order!
Pink Beach House . Patchwork Sunshine . Dance in the Rain |
1. When didyou first begin creating art?I was alwaysdrawing and painting as a kid--I couldn't get enough of it! Both of mydaughters are already prolific artists (at ages three and four!) and it makesme smile to see myself in them. I like to think that I must have been doing thevery same things when I was their age--waking up early in the morning and evensometimes late at night with the urge to draw or cut and glue things together.
I continueddrawing throughout school and started painting a little in college as an artmajor. But it was at that point that I began to feel my childlike creativityfading--it felt like I was supposed to be "growing up" and learning a"practical" career. I ended up with English and Education degrees(although I'm still happy about that--literature is an important part of mystory). But I kind of forgot about art for a while.
I starteddabbling in paint again after grad school to ease the stress of teaching. A fewyears later, we found out that my first daughter was on the way and it was likethe child in my belly awoke the child in my heart--my creativity skyrocketed! Iwas suddenly focused on my work, improving in my skill and making a newpainting every week. Of course, my productivity slowed once my daughter wasborn and her sister followed just a year later, but my passion and excitementfor art has only grown in the years since.
Ocean Waves & Rain Clouds by Sadee Schilling |
2. What isyour favorite/most sentimental creation you have made? Why?
My "Denim and Dirt" winged heart is my favorite representation of these ideas.
Denim and Dirt by Sadee Schilling |
A Mother's Heart Cup by Sadee Schilling |
Amazing Grace Bluebird by Sadee Schilling |
You can connect with Sadee through her:BLOG: http://www.apicturebooklife.blogspot.comSHOP: http://www.etsy.com/shop/PicturebookLifeFACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sadee-Schilling-Art-and-Illustration/140963922589707?ref=hl
Thank you Sadee for taking time to share! Don't forget she is offering FREE shipping with your order - use the code PenandPaint through her Shop. Go find some new art for your walls!
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